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Upcoming Events

New Jersey Women of the ELCA

Annual Business Meeting & Convention - 2024

Business Meeting* - via Zoom - Friday, Oct. 11 at 7 pm

Convention - Sat., Oct. 12 - In Person Event!

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

 112 Middletown Rd, Holmdel NJ

Theme - Faithful Journey: Here I am Lord         

*Business Meeting - A Voting Member is needed from each unit for this meeting.

For more info and/or questions, please reach out to Amy Palazzolo (862) 284-4094 or email

Image by Vlad Bagacian

Annual Convention - Saturday, Oct 12
Workshops List

Workshops Being Offered on Convention Saturday

2122 Campaign for Katie’s Fund – Head, Heart, and Hands

Workshop Leader: Joy Grace

Here I Am … Here We Go!”

Workshop Leader: Pastor Wendolyn Trozzo

Convention Bible Study 

Workshop Leader: Joyce Brooks, Churchwide Rep.  

Fleece Blanket Workshop

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Hasbrouck Heights Presenting

Walking Down Empty Road

Annual Convention - Saturday, Oct 12
In Kind Gift Offering

In-Kind Offering Gifts Will be collected for: Community Outreach Group, Inc. (COG) in Monmouth County is a nonprofit that provides basic needs assistance to low-income families and individuals in the community.

Items Needed to help our community in need - 22 families in 2024.
aluminum foil
plastic wrap/cling wrap
liquid kitchen or bathroom cleaner (no Clorox)
liquid dishwashing detergent
liquid laundry detergent /Pod Detergent packs
toilet paper rolls (singles or any size package)
bars of soap
female personal hygiene items

Dog Shelter

2024 Women of the Bible series – Zoom Events - 7 pm - 8 pm:

NJ WELCA continues our quest of getting to know the various women in the bible. 

Join us by Zoom as we continue our journey with author Liz Curtis Higgs and her book Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible: Flawed Women Loved by a Flawless God.

Oct. 16 @ 7 pm – A Willful Bride – Rebekah the wife

Dec. 18 @ 7 pm – Using Her Wits - Rebekah the Mother

Please reach out to Joanne ( with any questions.

Zoom Link:               

Pass Code  36912

NJWELCA Bible study - January 2024 - Cover #2_edited_edited.jpg

Workshop Topics are issues of the day that are important to Women of New Jersey across the Garden State.  We will explore Racial Justice, Truth and Healing, Human Trafficking, LGTB+, and the draft of the new social statement- Gun Violence and Trauma. All are welcome. 

We invite you to join us in these important conversations on these subjects and more.  We have much to talk about at our table. Our talks are the 3rd Wednesday of the months below at 7 pm.  

November 20 – Truth In Healing

Reach out to Amy Palazzolo (862) 284-4094 or email with any questions.

Zoom Link:               

Passcode  36912

Image by Tingey Injury Law Firm

Thursdays in Black

Thursdays in Black is part of an international movement to demand a world without rape and violence. The campaign has its roots in groups such as Mothers of the Disappeared in Argentina, Black Sash in South Africa and the Women in Black movements in Bosnia and Israel.  

However, Thursdays In Black is not a campaign confined only to countries officially at war. In fact, a war against women is being raged all over the world, and has continued for centuries. 

Its weapons include domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, incest, murder, female infanticide, genital mutilation, sexual harassment, discrimination, sex trafficking. In short, sexism.

Wearing black on Thursdays indicates that you are tired of putting up with rape and violence in your community.

It demonstrates a desire for a community where we can all walk safely without fear of being beaten up, verbally abused, raped, of being discriminated against due to your sexual orientation, political affiliation, gender or ethnicity.

It shows that you want to be free.

Black and White Portrait
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